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Andrzej Madej


been decreasing in recent years, has become the reason for recognizing the spatialconcentration of their cultivation. For analysis of the spatial concentration of particularcereals in relation to the total area sown to cereals in 2010 and 2016, statistical data fromthe Statistic Poland (GUS) and the method using the Lorenz concentration index (KL)were used.In 2010?2016, despite a slight decrease in the number of farms cultivating cerealsfor grain (by 11%), there was specialization within this kind of production in farms withan area exceeding 50 ha of agricultural land and a production scale exceeding 20 ha perfarm.T he lowest value of the Lorenz concentration index in both analyzed years was observedin the total area under cereals and in the area cropped to principal cereals (KL =0.03-0.05), which indicated an even distribution of their crop areas at the voivodshiplevel. However, the cultivation of millet was characterized by the highest concentrationlevel (high) in both years (KL = 0.61-0.65).

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How to Cite
Madej, A. 2018. Proocesses of concentration in cereal production in Poland. Current Agronomy. 35 (Dec. 2018), 23–31. DOI: