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Adam Harasim
Andrzej Madej


The research was carried out in 2013?2017 at the AgriculturalExperimental Stations (AES) of Institute of Soil Science andPlant Cultivation, State Research Institute in Puławy (IUNG-PIB)located in various regions of Poland. The aim of the study wasthe assessment of actual expenditure and production effects of selectedcrops. Technological cards of production of studied crops,filled in by individual farms, were used as the source of data foranalyzes and evaluations. Yield, expenditures, costs and profitabilityof production of winter wheat (in 6 AES) and sugar beet(in 4 AES) were assessed. It was found that yield level dependedon local conditions, while costs and profitability of productiondepended also on the purchase prices of production resources andselling prices of crops. Selling prices for wheat grain and beetroots showed a declining trend in the following years. Yieldingpotential and profitability of winter wheat and sugar beet productionwere at high level in all tested farms. The structure of directproduction costs was dominated by purchase cost of mineralfertilizers while the costs of plant protection products came insecond. The intensity of plant protection was generally greater insugar beet than in winter wheat.

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How to Cite
Harasim, A. and Madej, A. 2018. PROFITABILITY OF WINTER WHEAT AND SUGAR BEET PRODUCTION IN IUNG-PIB FARMS. Current Agronomy. 35 (Dec. 2018), 15–22. DOI: