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Małgorzata Szczepanek
Piotr Domański
Jadwiga Andrzejewska


The aim of this study was to assess the yield, distribution of yield over successive cuts and crop quality in cultivars of Westerwolds ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. var. westerwoldicum Wittm) grown for forage in selected regions of Poland. The study was based on the results of variety tests run by COBORU (Centre for Variety Testing), carried out over the years 2006–2008 with the cultivars: late Telga, semi-early Kaja and early Bravis 1. The study was conducted in the following regions of Poland: north-western, central-western, southern and south-eastern. It was proved that the southern region, where the annual dry weight yield is about 26% higher than in the north-western and centralwestern regions, is the most suitable for growing Westerwolds ryegrass. In the southern region, early cv. Bravis 1 gave better yields than late Telga. In the south-eastern region, the highest yields were given by late cv. Telga. different heading times did not have an effect on dry weight production in the north-western and central-western regions. The highest dry weight yield was obtained from the first cut (32% of annual yield), and the lowest from the fourth (18%). Yields of late cultivars were similar in the second and third cut, whereas those of early and semi-early cultivars were 28–30% lower in the third cut than in the second.

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How to Cite
Szczepanek, M., Domański, P. and Andrzejewska, J. 2016. YIELD OF WESTERWOLDS RYEGRASS CULTIVARS DEPENDING ON CROPPING REGION IN POLAND. Current Agronomy. 25 (Sep. 2016), 27–34. DOI: