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Jerzy Kopiński


This work constitutes an attempt to determine the quantitative and structural changes of individual elements of the total fodder production area (TFPA) in the mid-term perspective, in the period of 2004–2014. The data of massive statistics (NUTS-2) constitu- ted the basis of the analysis at a voivodship level. According to these data, the size and structure of the total feed production area in Poland is strongly regionally differentiated. The TFPA area for the years of 2004–2006 decreased by 14%, while in the years 2012–2014 it was 9.4 mln ha. Currently, special relative feed production area (SRFPA) constitutes the largest per- centage (35%) in the TFPA structure. During the analyzed 11 years, technical productivity of feed area in Poland increased by 20%, up to the level of 36 cereal units·ha-1, whereas the highest increase oc- curred in the case of the utility area of meadows and pastures (PPN)

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How to Cite
Kopiński, J. 2023. THE CHANGES IN THE POLISH ECONOMY OF FEED PRODUCTION IN THE PERIOD OF 2004–2014. Current Agronomy. 26 (Sep. 2023), 44–55.