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Barbara Tombarkiewicz
Katarzyna Możdżeń
Weronika Kanik
Bartosz Bojarski
Krzysztof Pawlak
Marcin Lis


The geomagnetic field (GMF) represents one of the major environmental factors which may suffer either natural or anthropogenic disturbances. According to available literature data, many plants species responds to GMF changes and its ab-normalities can adversely affect live organisms. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of GMF deprivation on se-lected morphological and physiological parameters of maize vari-ety San (Zea mays L. cv. San). The examined parameters included germination capacity, seedling growth, fresh and dry weight, the water content and the level of disorganization of seedling cell membranes.The obtained results suggest that GMF deprivation caused a reduction of germination capacity of maize. Moreover, roots of seedlings growing under disturbed GMF conditions (GMF inten-sity approx. 12 μT) were significantly longer as compared to the control group (GMF intensity approx. 38–42 μT). Fresh weight, dry weight, and coleoptiles length showed no differences among the groups. However, significantly lower electrolyte leakage was observed in maize seedlings of the experimental group.

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How to Cite
Tombarkiewicz, B., Możdżeń, K., Kanik, W. , Bojarski, B., Pawlak, K. and Lis, M. 2019. Effects of geomagnetic field deprivation on germination and early growth of maize variety San (Zea mays L. cv. San). Current Agronomy. 36, 36 (Mar. 2019), 3–7. DOI: