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Marcin Różewicz


Poland's accession to the European Union resulted ina change of the livestock production structure. A constant andsystematic increase in the poultry production is observed and inthis respect Poland is a leader in the production of poultry meatand eggs. A significant increase in the poultry population resultedin the need to supply the animal feed industry with appropriateraw materials for the production of feed for various species anddifferent market destinations. Stable poultry production is associatedwith economic efficiency and the production of grain, thebasic component of compound feed. Improvement in cereal yieldand oversupply of grain on the domestic market stimulate the productionand increase the poultry population in Poland. Grain hasvarious effectiveness and usefulness as well as restrictions resultingfrom poultry breed characteristics. This has caused changesin the demand from animal feed industries for grain of particularcereal species.The current study aims to discuss the issues of growing andusing particular cereal species as a raw material base for the productionof poultry feed. The work focuses on the main speciesof feed grains: wheat, triticale, barley, oats, rye and maize. Thestudy also presents the problem of cultivation and utilising thosegrains for animal feed, with particular emphasis on the scale ofproduction and their usefulness in poultry feed production.

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How to Cite
Różewicz, M. 2019. Production, use and efficiency of utilising grains of various cereal species as feed resources for poultry production. Current Agronomy. 38, 38 (Sep. 2019), 66–74. DOI: