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Predner Duvivier
Gelin Doréus
Robers Pierre Tescar
Ophny Nicolas Carvil


This study aimed to describe the agronomic characteristics of the cocoa based farms, estimate their agronomic and economic performance and carry out a gender analysis. Data relating to crops economic value or food security importance, household size, farmers’ age, farm size, crop yield and farm family income were collected by focus groups or individual surveys. The results showed that,
in average, the households’ size was 4.37 people and the producers’ age, 52 years. The female headed farm size was 1.56 ha against 2.20 ha for the male headed ones. Cocoa farm yield was 562.98 kg/ha and average farm income, 622.3 USD for female headed farms against 1138.0 USD for male headed ones. Compared to male, female farmers possessed less land and earned lower farm income.

Article Details

How to Cite
Duvivier, P., Doréus, G., Tescar, R.P. and Carvil, O.N. 2024. Agronomic characteristics and economic performance of cocoa farms in Haiti. Current Agronomy. 1 (Oct. 2024), 44–53.
Author Biographies

Gelin Doréus, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the State University of Haiti

Gelin Doréu is an Agronomist. He works College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the State University of Haiti as a researcher and a professor. 

Robers Pierre Tescar, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the State University of Haiti

Robers Pierre Tescar is an Agronomist. He works for College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicie of the State University of Haiti as a researcher and a professor. 

Ophny Nicolas Carvil, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the State University of Haiti

Ophny Nicolas Carvil is an Agronomist. He works for College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the State University of Haitias a researcher and a professor.