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Sylwia Staniak


Contamination of the environment and intensification of ag- riculture are main threats to quality of food. Some substances contained in food are harmful for human organisms. Therefore there is an increasing interest in introducing organic food into the nutrition and organic products become more common. Organic agriculture combines environmental friendly tech- nologies that enable production of food that is free of contami- nants and meets expectations of consumers. The market of the organic food and its consumption are increasing. The literature provides information on organic food containing more vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and certain microelements and less con- taminants (pesticide residuals, potentially toxic elements, ni- trates) than does conventional food

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How to Cite
Staniak, S. 2014. CHARACTERISTICS OF FOOD PRODUCED IN ORGANIC FARMING. Current Agronomy. 19 (Dec. 2014), 25–35. DOI: