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Grażyna Podolska


The effectiveness and phytotoxicity of herbicides and their combinations (metazachlor + chlomazon, linuron, chlopyralid, chlopyralid + pikloram, MCPA) was tested in buckwheat cv. Kora, on fields with early and optimal sowing date. Experiments were conducted in the years 2010, 2011 and 2012 in the region of Pulawy, Poland. The most efficient com- bination of herbicides against the weed in this trial was the combination of metazachlor plus chlomazon and a single herbicide linuron at a rate 750 g ha -1 + 96 g ha-1 and 360 g ha-1 respectively. These her- bicides showed low phytotoxicity against buckwheat plants

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How to Cite
Podolska, G. 2014. THE EFFECTIVENESS AND PHYTOTOXICITY OF HERBICIDE IN BUCKWHEAT CV. KORA. Current Agronomy. 19 (Dec. 2014), 17–24. DOI: