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Grzegorz Szumidło
Leszek Rachoń


The study presents results of research conducted in the years 2010–2012. The objective was to determine the effect of the sowing mate-rial (grains vs. spikelets) on yield, yield components and selected pa-rameters of grain quality of two varieties of spring spelt wheat. Usedas a seed material, spikelets did not affect significantly the yield, yieldcomponents or grain quality of spring spelt wheat as compared tograins. Seeding spikelets resulted in a tendency for an increase in yield(by an average of 2.9%), number of ears (by 3.9%) and starch contentd.m. (by 0.5 pp) of grain and in a decrease in the number and weightof grains per ear (by 2.8% and 2.7%). Overall, in the three-year test cy-cle, particular test weight and starch and protein content of grain showeda high stability, grain vitreosity was the least stable parameter. The genet-ic factor significantly differentiated the weight of 1000 grains and grainquality indicators of spring spelt wheat.

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How to Cite
Szumidło, G. and Rachoń, L. 2015. YIELDS AND QUALITY OF SPRING SPELT WHEAT DEPENDING ON SOWING MATERIAL. Current Agronomy. 20 (Mar. 2015), 9–14. DOI: