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Iwona Paśmionka
Agnieszka Galus-Barchan
Beata Oleksiewicz


The study described in this paper was aimed at assessing the extent of the microbiological atmospheric air pollution in the area of the Collective Sewage Treatment Plant in Chrza- nów, Poland. Within the confines of the study an isolation process was carried out and the number of bacteriological air pollution indexes were determined, such as: Pseudomonas fluorescens, staphylococci, actinomycetes, microscopic fungi and also the general number of bacteria. The study was car ried out in the surroundings of three structures (the grating, the biological reactors and the outlet of the treated sewage). It was found that atmospheric air contains a diverse mi croflora in terms of both quality and quantity. The presence of saprophyte microflora was noted, too. In the mycological aspect, the air was regarded as clean, since an over-average quantity of microscopic fungi was not detected. Quantitative norms were exceeded most often for Pseudomonas fluores- cens bacteria. The grating was the m

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How to Cite
Paśmionka, I., Galus-Barchan, A. and Oleksiewicz, B. 2015. MICROBIOLOGICAL AIR POLLUTION IN THE AREA OF THE COLLECTIVE WASTE TREATMENT PLANT IN CHRZANÓW. Current Agronomy. 20 (Mar. 2015), 3–8. DOI: