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Waclaw Jarecki
Dorota Bobrecka-Jamro
Aneta Jarecka


A replicated field trial was carried out in the years 2011– 2013 to specify the reaction of narrow-leaved lupine cultivars Neptun and Kalif to starter nitrogen application (30 kg ha-1) vs. no-nitrogen control treatment. It was observed that nitrogen in- creased lodging and prolonged plant vegetation period. Starter nitrogen considerably increased the number of pods on a plant and the number of seeds. The yield increase in starter-N treat- ment was 0.32 t ha-1 or 10.4% over the no-N control. The yield of narrow-leafed lupine varied during the experiment period from 2.94 t ha-1 in 2011 to 3.44 t ha-1 in 2012. The content of crude protein averaged 31.4% and did not depend on starter N fertiliza- tion. Cv. Neptun compared to cv. Kalif showed considerably high- er values of thousand-seed weight, higher crude protein content, shorter vegetation period, higher lodging degree and lower num- ber of pods per plant. The effect of starter nitrogen application on studied parameters was the same for both cultivars.

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How to Cite
Jarecki, W., Bobrecka-Jamro, D. and Jarecka, A. 2015. THE EFFECT OF STARTER NITROGEN APPLICATION ON NARROW-LEAVED LUPINE (Lupinus AngustifoLius L.). Current Agronomy. 21 (Jun. 2015), 28–33. DOI: