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Kazimierz Noworolnik


Field experiment series with spring barley cultivars were carried out across Poland in years 2005–2011. They involved 13 cultivars: Stratus, Blask, Conchita, Frontier, Tocada, Mercada, Marthe, Signora, Skarb, Victoriana, Kormoran, Atico i Rufus. Dependence between grain yield and soil complex, soil valuation class and soil pH were investigated. The highest grain yields of spring barley (averaged across cultivars) were obtained on the very good wheat complex, on soil class 2, at soil pH above 6,0. Signora, Marthe, Victoriana and Kormoran cultivars showed a lower yield decrease under inferior soil conditions. Skarb, Frontier, Stratus, Tocada, Mercada and Rufus cultivars showed a higher yield decrease under inferior soil conditions

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How to Cite
Noworolnik, K. 2015. YIELDS OF SPRING BARLEY CULTIVARS IN VARIOUS SOIL CONDITIONS. Current Agronomy. 23 (Dec. 2015), 69–73. DOI: