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Piotr Ochal
Tamara Jadczyszyn
Beata Jurga


Reduced technologies of maize production are becoming more
and more popular due to lowering of production costs and positive
effects on soil characteristics. As a stage of creating new simpli-
fied technology of maize production testing of granular fertilizer
UreaPhos(Mikro) in two sizes (standard granules and big granules)
had to be performed. Root-box experiment was conducted in 2014
and 2015 to evaluate the effects of placing fertilizer in the follow-
ing depths: standard granules placed on 2, 5 and 8 cm under maize
caryopsis and big granules placed on 20, 25 and 30 cm depth. Each
sampled seedling was cut in 43-day into a shoot and root system.
The samples of roots were manually washed using a sieve. Mor-
phological traits of roots, such as root length, root surface area,
root diameter, were determined with a digital image root analyzer
(Delta T Scan, Delta T Co., England). Fresh matter and dry matter
of shoot and root were measured. The experiment revealed that the
best parameters of root traits were obtained in root-box 5+25 cm
and 2+25 cm. Therefore, recommended depth of placing new fertil-
izer UreaPhos(Mikro) in the soil is 25 cm for big granules and 2 or
5 cm for standard granules.

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How to Cite
Ochal, P., Jadczyszyn, T. and Jurga, B. 2015. MAIZE ROOT DEvELOPMENT DEPENDING ON THE DEPTH OF FERTILIZER APPLICATION TO THE SOIL. Current Agronomy. 23 (Dec. 2015), 74–81. DOI: