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Bogusława Jaśkiewicz


In the recent years, triticale has been cultivated more and more frequently in a crop rotation of a high percentage of cereals in the cropped area. Under such unfavorable conditions, one of the methods to prevent the decrease of cereal yields is to use technology which would provide optimal conditions for plant growth and development. The purpose of the research was to determine the impact of integrated and intensive production technologies on the yields of triticale cvs. Pizarro and Pigmej grown under 50% cereal share in the total cropped area vs. those grown under cereal monoculture. The research was conducted in the years of 2010/2011 and 2013/2014 at the Experimental Station of IUNG-PIB in Osiny on soils of good wheat complex. The research factors included Pizarro and Pigmej cultivars and intensive and integrated production technologies. The yields of triticale depended mainly on weather conditions during the period of the studies, production technology, and a cultivar of winter triticale. In 2014, when grown under 50% of cereals in the cropping scheme, the grain yields of winter triticale from intensive production technology were by 19% higher compared to those from the integrated management, and by 25–28% higher under both production technologies in 2011. Higher yields were recorded for Pigmej cultivar. When produced under crop rotation with 50% share of cereals, winter triticale gave yields by 9% higher than when it was grown under cereal monoculture.

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How to Cite
Jaśkiewicz, B. 2015. The impact of production technology on yields of winter triticale under varied percentages of cereals to total cropped area. Current Agronomy. 23 (Dec. 2015), 11–17. DOI: