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Adam Harasim


The study was conducted in cereal production fields on the experimental farm at Grabów, the province of Mazowieckie, in the years 2013–2015. Yield, composition and quality of winter wheat, winter triticale and spring barley straw were assessed depending on the method of its harvest. Straw losses at harvest were also evaluated. The study involved two treatments: harvest of straw with chaff and harvest from the stubble without chaff and small tiller fragments. The method of straw harvest signifi- cantly affected the its quantity and the relationship between straw and grain yields. Winter cereals produced higher losses of straw as compared to spring barley. The particular category of straw (chaff-containing, field and stubble- harvested) varied for the contents of mineral components, particularly those of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

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How to Cite
Harasim, A. 2023. STRAW YIELDS OF SELECTED CEREALS DEPENDING ON THE METHOD OF HARVEST. Current Agronomy. 26 (Sep. 2023), 34–38.