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Marcin Różewicz


Several cereal species are grown in Europe, but wheat and maize have the largest acreage, followed by barley, oats and rye. Due to breeding improvements, cereal cultivars produce high grain yields. Improvement of cereals within a species and breeding of new cultivars is one of the main methods to improve yield and grain quality. However, the creation of interspecific hy- brids, in which new types with better characteristics are obtained through introgression and genetic selection, is also worthy of at- tention. The interspecific hybrids of cereals are not very popu- lar, but triticale is the cereal that has gained the most popularity and is of increasing interest to farmers in Europe. It is the result of the hybridisation of wheat and rye. Having many beneficial properties, its cultivation should be popularised. The aim of this paper was to review scientific research concerning possibilities of increasing the acreage under cultivation of this cereal, taking into consideration its agronomic requirements and grain quality, as well as the potential of grain utilisation for food and fodder purposes.

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How to Cite
Różewicz, M. 2022. Yield, grain quality and potential use of triticale in Poland. Current Agronomy. 49, 49 (Aug. 2022), 9–19. DOI: